Productions Baroca

Laila Nadene - Cast & Crew

I made the decision to 100% fund the filming of LAILA NADENE from pre-production through marketing, and everything in between. This decision was not made lightly as this is my first film.

I made an extensive list of the pros and cons of making a movie. Fear, and lack of experience were the two main negatives; but the pro side was stacked with all kinds of great things! A project that could potentially help people, faith in myself and the fun-factor of learning new skills topped the list as the three main driving forces to get this project off the ground. The moment I chose to toss my fears aside and to plow forward like a bull in a China shop, everything fell into place and soon, it felt like the entire Universe conspired to help me.

I developed a detailed budget and a master plan. I auditioned, interviewed and hired cast and crew. I found the locations and scheduled the filming dates. And at the end of filming, we had a great wrap party. Mistakes were made along the way, but that’s a part of the learning curb. I enjoyed every single aspect of the making of this film. And now, here we are, winner of 95 international awards in 14 different categories from film festivals around the world.

It’s surreal to see the words from my 109-page script spring to life and become a reality. Had I allowed the fear and lack of experience stop me from pursuing my dream, I would have missed out on one of the greatest achievements of my life. I am very proud of all the hard work and long hours it’s taken to make this happen. I am grateful for all the unwavering votes of confidence and support received from my family and friends. You all knew I could do this before I knew myself!

To cast and crew of LAILA NADENE, with all my gratitude, love and respect – thank you.


Pinot as himself


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